Monday, March 31, 2008

Posting the Second Post-Practice Post

This is my second post and I'm working between jobs! If you like, see the title for my blog above-- it's a real word in another language. See if you can guess what it is . . .

Fun Fact from New York for New Yorkers by Liza M. Greene:

The angled top of the Citicorp Center building was meant to hold a solar collector that was never built-leaving a unique feature in the skyline of New York.

7 and 1/2 Life Long Learning Habits

Not too long ago I was introduced to the 7 and 1/2 Life Long Learning Habits.
For me the easiest of the group is number 4 "Have confidence in yourself as a competent and effective learner". I do believe in myself when it comes to learning for professional and personal reasons. For instance in the past three years or so, one of my hobbies led me to learn about another country, its history and bit of the language. I'm not at all afraid to go looking for knowlege and keep on looking until I find something, even if I have to ask someone else for help. ;-)

The hardest of the habits for me is number 6: "Use technology to your advantage" I don't keep up with the latest hardware and it's hard to find the time to learn all the newest ways to gain knowledge using technology.

Reed, Lori "The 7 and 1/2 Life Long Habits of Highly Sucessful Life Long Learners".