Sunday, April 27, 2008

Library 2.0

What does it mean to me?

After reading the suggested postings from Oclwebthings, I think that it means to be prepared to learn and to change with the times. I know that I can't learn everything, but I know what I do best and will strengthen those areas and know who and where can help me with the rest.

The readings:

The one I would like to blog about is "To better Bibliographic Services" this article is about metadata as if it were like a concept car-very cool and a great leap forward but not going be on the show floor anytime soon- because of funding I'm sure. I love the concept of expanded delivery and I already there is ILL within states without regard to county or town borders. It would be great that a class that has a project can look into school, public and academic libraries and book stores. Find libraries close to them, then request and get delivery with just a few clicks! Is Riemer's ideas just a wish list? I'm sure his suggestions can be done, it's just a matter of will, time and all library workers getting together to make their case to their tax payers to bring about these new ways to search for materials.

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